Tender Reference No : IGL/ET2/CP/CP17660
Nature Of Tender : Open Domestic Tender
Name of the Tender : Hosting and AMC of Field Mobility Application
Bid Document Fee : e-Tender Processing Fee (non-refundable and directly payable on e-tender portal to service provider M/s. ITI Limited): Rs. 1000 + GST @18% i.e. Rs. 1180/-
Period for issuance of the tender : From 18.08.2023 to 13.09.2023
Bid Start Date : 2023-08-18
Pre bid meeting date and venue : 2023-08-24T15:00
Bid Submission date and time : 2023-09-13T14:30
Un-Priced bid opening date and time : 2023-09-13T15:00
Priced bid opening date and time : Date and time shall be intimated later
Place of bid Submission : https://petroleum.euniwizarde.com/
Tender Document(s) : Click here to Download
Other Document(s) : Corrigendum_2_CP17660.pdf